Saturday, June 20, 2009


Q & A

Why did I start writing this blog?
I started writing this blog in 2006 with a view of logging my own spiritual journey.I made it public,so that I can share my findings with like minded people.

What does the blog deal with?
I try to stay as honest as possible when I write a post.
Everything is divine.But I am biased towards few topics.Philosophy,Social Structure of Society ( like education and consumerism)Art,Music,Literature.

Who gets benefited from this blog?
There is no financial benefit from this blog.One of the reasons I did not monetize this blog is because it goes against the open source ideology of spiritual knowledge.This knowledge does not belong to a person.It makes no sense,if I make my blog into a personal possession.

Why don't I answer any comments?
We all evolve at different rates.I am going to respect a individuals opinion.I am not going to barge in...condemn them for not aligning to my views or I am not going to applaud them for holding the same beliefs as me.I thank everyone who comment on my blog.I do read them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Preethi:

I found the blog and Q & A to be interesting and sent an email to your yahoo account. Check out my video which is quite related to your blog topics.
