Monday, December 10, 2007

What made me grow

All people cringe at the idea of having to deal with difficult people.But those are the real people who help us grow.Our enemies give us a chance to develop nonviolence.Their hate gives us a chance to develop patience and love.People who cheat you,are the people who teach you what honesty is.The un-ethical teach you to walk on the path of righteousness.
Most of the time I write testimonials to people who are good to me.
But today I want to thank .....all my enemies,the people who hate me,people who cheated me and let me not forget all the people who have abused me.


A said...

Yeah, you are right. If there was no evil in this world, one wouldn't know the true value of the good, and goodness.

Sankalp said...

well said..... !!!!
so u write testimonials to people who are good to u...... does that also imply an orkut testimonial miss? ... :)