Sunday, July 23, 2006

Daily Ritual...

My aunt is suffering from cancer.These words hit me... right across my face and leaves an unerasable mark..
You start wondering about the futility of life.About all the things which are important to me and all the things in the world you want to achieve.Many times I have lived my life as an unending journey.When you truly realize the worth of life then you start enjoying the smaller moments.These small moments like the shadows,sunsets,cups of tea ...pockets of happiness are so precious..When we realize we have very less time we forget to run back of materialistic pleasures and utilize the time for bonding with our friends and family.One of the easier ways of getting more out of life is to start your day by looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself if this is the last day you are going to live what are all the things you would want to do ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am pretty bored to say it is gud ....but even i want to say it is really good....but the thing is u r realy helping me alot ....u r giving answers for the questions that are buried in me ....that last line ....i think of the same thing many times but not like a su said daily but many times...when i read ur stuff soem times i see my self...that makes me really happy....keep going ...and as i say ur views show the path to many others.....