I have had cats as my pets when I was growing up.I used to adopt stray cats and take care of them .When I was in engineering I found this small fuzzy creature on the terrace in my home (in hyderabad).I named it Isabella.(I was readin this novel the main character was Isabella).We both were inseperable.It challenged all scientific theories,because it could read my mind..(Telepathy is childs play for my Isabella).I used to give all the existing love in my heart for my Isabella.But one day as nature would have it ,it went away to CAT HEAVEN...
Fastforward myself to a month back..one of my friends gave me a pet to take care of ..venus fly trap..ur hearing right ..a carnivorous plant..I am basically a non -violent peaceful human..but com..on this is also natures creation and I have found some respect and admiration for this plant..I have officially declared it as my pet and pledge to take care of it ..until my friend arrives...
Anyone interested to know about the plant the link is given below...
1 comment:
what a talent in photographing. that stupid plant looks beautiful in the pic.
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