Friday, February 08, 2008

Knowledge is power

There are lots of questions which as individuals we need to answer.There is so much knowledge in the world that it may take several lifetimes to even comprehend the enormity of it.I feel knowledge ..any knowledge is not power.Depending upon our own affinities knowledge about specific activities/ things becomes a powerful weapon to take out ignorance.
We have to be selective even about the knowledge we acquire.Filling more crap in our minds makes life more complicated.We need knowledge so that we can live like sane creatures and also be able to fulfill our duties as a responsible human beings
One example is the English language...
Do we really need to know so many words?
Why cant the world be a happy place with limited vocabulary.I have a allergy towards all those people who show-off their enormous vocabulary.Every day new words are added.To the future word-smiths ,words are beautiful creations like music.But to a ignoramus like me, its just waste of digital bits and paper space :)
If Shakespeare could be contended with a limited vocabulary of 4000 words..I guess the new generation should not be burdened with enormous dictionaries.When learning happens without any expectations ...we become truly learned.Most of the time in common conversations, people only use slang for everyday conversation.Then in the professional atmosphere the language is polished with some neat words obtained from some online dictionary.This divergence in our own speech,thoughts and behavior is our need to create a personality.I feel spirituality/religion should give people the strength to express what they are...what they really are


Anonymous said...

"We need knowledge so that we can live like sane creatures and also be able to fulfill our duties as a responsible human beings"
WHY do we need to live as sane creatures and responsible human beings? And what is SANE and RESPONSIBLE?

Samhita said...


Unknown said...

True Very True ..........I can see my self here ......